Majlis-e-Sabilut-Tauheed Charitable Trust

Habsi Brothers

Past & Present of Habsi Brothers

Brothers in Islam.

With mercy and grace of All-mighty Allah Pak about 8 years ago a Jamat reached a place which is on the borders of Kamataka-Goa in Karwar District a scene came forward to the Jamat which had gone for Daawat-Tabligh and at that time it saw scene of Habsi brothers and having seen it, they were disturbed and a sigh came from the heart to do something for this community and with a view to impart Dini and Dunyavi education to them on a small stage a Maktab was started in the year 2010. In this area some persons of Qadiyani Tribe had already started three Institutions taking benefit of illeteracy of Habsi brothers and more than 40 youngesters had become active taking training of Qadiyan (Punjab) but with Duas and blessings of the people and hard work of the Jimat and the persons of Jamattaking visit of this area so often and with great hardship face of this area was changed and everywhere in several villages there were started education of Makatibs, Mosques with total facilities and for water there were dug tube wells and there were also constructed simple but livable houses for the teachers (Ustad) and with a view to give education of Din & Dunyavi the well-wishers of this trust started a Madressa at Dandeli in the name of MADRESSA-E- SABILUTAUHID so that the children with hunger of Dini-Dunyavi education may take education and there were started Hostels with facilites of Lodging & Boarding and for the females of this community a scheme is under progress so that illeterate women of our community may take education. In this Institution it is specially taken care of poor children and to impart them more and more facilities. There has been started Dini Institutions for the Habs brothers and it is run from the Fund of Zakat and from some well-wishers by way of adoption ithas been facilitated

With mercy and kindness of Almighty Alan Pak a well wisher of this Insitution JANAB SHAIKHMOHAMMED HANIF SAHEBLUHARVI (DB) there has been started construction of FOUR rooms for English Medium School and with Dua that remaining portion of this building will complete soon